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Explanatory Dictionary of the Yakut Language, 1972–2018

Vladimir D. Monastyrev, Nadezhda N. Vasilieva, Ija V. Ammosova

Seiten 250 - 264

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/TL/2019/2/250

In 2018, the long hard long work of creating the multivolume Sakha tïlïn bïhaarïïlaakh tïld’ïta. Tolkovyj slovar’ jakutskogo jazyka [Explanatory dictionary of the Yakut lan¬guage], in 15 volumes and containing approximately 80,000 words and phraseologisms, was completed. The dictionary represents a corpus of the Yakut national vocabulary. It provides the lexico-semantic structure of words with detailed definitions illustrated by rich material. Undoubtedly, the dictionary is a great achievement of both Yakut and Turkic lexicography in general.


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